CDS UK Attends ESTD European Society for Trauma & Dissociation Conference in Poland

In October 2024, Mark Linington (CEO), Emma Jack (Clinical Director) and Matt Bordonada (Deputy Clinical Director) attended the ESTD (European Society for Trauma & Dissociation) 9th congress in Katowice, Poland, entitled ‘From Diagnosis to Treatment: Recognising Complex Trauma and Dissociation’. In addition, CDS UK Associate Therapists Sally Urquhart, Denise Stowe, and Amanda Wells were also present at the congress.

Before the congress, all of the above CDS UK staff and associates visited the Memorial and Museum at Auschwitz-Birkenau, visiting both the prison and workcamp site. All in attendance agreed this was a very moving experience.

There were many excellent speakers and presentations, including by Bethany Brand who spoke about her TopDD research and the findings of a clinical trial of the ‘Finding Solid Ground’ programme that has come as a result of this research, which CDS UK would like to consider utilising in future for some patients.

The 10th ESTD congress will be held in October 2026 in Lisbon, Portugal. CDS UK intend to present at this congress, and we would be open to joint delivery of presentations with our Associate Therapists.