** Please be advised we are pausing our referrals for the month of January 2025 whilst we complete an annual process review.  You are welcome to send any referrals in as normal, but we will not process any new referrals until February 2025 **

What services do you offer?

At CDS UK we offer a wide range of services including individual assessments, intensive psychotherapy packages, partner/carer/family support, lower intervention packages, after care packages, supervision/consultation packages and training and service development (intended for NHS care teams or equivalent).

Who can make a referral to CDS UK?

Currently, we are only able to accept referrals from NHS clinicians. Usually, we would expect this to be a GP or a professional from an NHS mental health team.

How do I make a referral to CDS UK?

We ask that you please download and complete the form provided and include it along with a consent form and relevant history detailing the patient’s previous interactions with NHS mental health services.  Please send all documents to

What happens next?

Upon receiving your referral and the consent form, we will promptly communicate with you to confirm receipt of the referral and to convey whether additional information is required.

Our clinical team with then conduct a thorough review of the referral and the material provided, and they will assess if the referral meets our criteria for consideration into an assessment.

  • If the referral does not meet our criteria, we will advise you why as well as communicating the outcome to the patient.
  • If the referral does meet our criteria, we will communicate with you about what needs to happen next in respect of applying for funding for an assessment or treatment at CDS UK.

Funding is usually decided on a case-by-case basis by the local NHS funding organisation, such as the Integrated Care Board or Health Board covering the patient’s area.  In most cases it is the responsibility of the referring clinician to submit the funding application to the relevant organisation, but we at CDS UK will assist with this process by providing appropriate information.

Since each patient requires funding on a case-by-case basis in order to access our service, we only assess patients where it is likely that a dissociative disorder is present, to ensure that funding is not used unnecessarily. 

Note that we always see patients for a full assessment before any treatment options are discussed, unless they have already had a recent specialist assessment (in such cases we will discuss next steps with you).

In some areas, patients can be seen under the Right to Choose pathway, where Individual Funding Request applications are not required. As part of our review process, we will also assess your local funding body’s procedures.

Some localities prefer to receive referrals directly for their consideration of funding, and they will then coordinate with CDS UK accordingly.  We will advise you if we know this to be the case.

Please note that for the reasons above, referral to CDS UK does not mean we agree to take the patient on clinically.