CDS Whole Team Event – November 2024

On the 16th November, CDS UK hosted a day for the core staff, associate therapists and trustees to meet and to discuss the future of the organization. We listened to Sam Griggs, Director of Operations and Business present the 2024-26 Business Plan before breaking into groups to reflect on our ideas and experiences from our different positions within the organisation in relation to what we’d heard. This was then fed back to the rest of the attendees. We then enjoyed a buffet lunch and the chance to meet colleagues from all parts of the organisation who work across the UK. The day was closed with speeches from Chair of Trustees Nigel MacLennan and CEO Mark Linington.

The feedback we have had from the survey shows that attendees most enjoyed networking with other associates and sharing a meal together, and we will be organising more events that offer such opportunities over the year to encourage a greater sense of community within and connection across the organisation. We also noted that people would like the upcoming events to include more clinically focussed material, and we will be taking this into account for the next event ‘Making Connections’ which will be held in London on Saturday 17th May, as well as providing other training opportunities outside of this day. We are currently planning to employ a Training Co-ordinator who will focus on these developments. We are in the early stages of planning the May event, and will send out more info as the event planning develops. We would like to give a big thank you all attendees for giving up their time to offer such valuable insight into their work and to share ideas on how CDS UK can improve in the coming years.